Want to know how you can get rid of cellulite? It’s easy…dry skin brushing!
I know, I know…we’re best friends now because you probably thought I was going to tell you to live on lettuce and water for the next 30 years
But let me explain exactly what dry brushing does and how it helps with detox and reducing cellulite.
First, it’s important to understand the role of your skin, especially in relation to the absorption of toxins and its function of pushing those toxins out.
Aside from being one of your detoxification organs, your skin is the 2nd largest organ in your body. Often, it’s the 1st to show degeneration or imbalances, and it’s the last to heal. It also weighs almost 2x as much as your brain, and it receives one-third of the circulation of the blood.
Here are some of its functions:
- Works as a protective shield to your body structure.
- Helps to regulate body temperature.
- Works as a respiratory organ.
- Performs absorption activities by assimilating oxygen and other nutrients.
- Aids in elimination of toxic wastes from the body.
Also, because your skin is such an important, vital, breathing organ, you should always be careful with what you put on it!
Your skin offers you the 1st protective “coat.” So, most substances that your skin comes in contact with will be absorbed through your skin and into your lymphatic and cardiovascular systems.
If the substance happens to be a chemical, a toxin or any sort of poison, your liver and kidneys will have the job of trying to neutralize any adverse effects. And obviously, any prolonged, daily or chronic exposure to that kind of substance can be very damaging to your health!
The skin has also been called the “third kidney.” It works in conjunction with the kidneys in water regulation. And interestingly, perspiration and urine are chemically similar because both contain substantial amounts of uric acid, which is an important waste product of metabolism.
Finally, a primary function of the skin occurs through the activities of its pores. And in case you didn’t know, every square inch of your skin contains hundreds of pores, which are made up of tiny muscles that must be exercised in order to efficiently rid the toxins from your body.
Thus, each of your detox organs (i.e. liver, kidneys, colon, lungs and skin) must do its part. And when a weakness is exhibited by one of the organs, it forces the other organs to carry an increased workload. This can ultimately result in exhaustion and further inhibit the body’s ability to rid itself of harmful, toxic waste.
So, hopefully, you get the point and understand that it’s critical to protect your skin and proactively do your part to help your body detox.
Now, here’s where dry brushing and getting rid of cellulite come in…
First, dry brushing specifically helps push toxins through the lymphatic system.
Your lymphatic system is the blood detox system, and it doesn’t have a pump. This means that for the lymphatic system to effectively detox, it has to be helped. And the best way to do this is through rebounding, a lymphatic massage and dry brushing.
Next, cellulite is simply stagnant fat tissues where toxins hide.
Your body was created with an intelligent design to protect itself from destruction on a regular basis. And one of the ways it does this is when your body absorbs excess toxins, your system sends those toxins to hide in fat tissue. This prevents those toxins from just swirling around in your bloodstream.
So, the best way to get rid of fat is to detox.
When you first push out the toxins, the body will then release the fat tissue! And by dry brushing daily, you’re assisting your body, more specifically your lymphatic system, to detox out the bad, which slowly melts away the stagnant fat tissue (aka. cellulite).
Plus, dry brushing daily also helps your skin stay healthy, vibrant and efficient because it:
- Removes dead skin cells.
- Cleanses the pores.
- Stimulates the hormone and oil-producing glands in the skin.
- Helps keep the skin soft, supple and youthful.
- Improves circulation, which supports the entire body.
- Helps improve muscle tone.
- Influences the nervous system through stimulation of nerve endings.
- Helps improve health and vitality.
Basically, implementing this one simple and very effective detox method will help you not only achieve optimal health, but it will also give you that extra boost of confidence as you see the cellulite start to melt away.
It really is that easy!
So, to get started, here are the simple instructions.
Plus, here’s a 1-minute demo that I did on Instagram that I thought might help!
- Use only a natural sponge, vegetable bristle brush or loofah sponge. (Here’s one that I love from Amazon.)
- Apply 3 drops of Pink Pepper Essential Oil to the brush for added detox powers.
- Ideally, dry brush every day before bed. Other times to dry brush would be before your shower or stepping into a sauna.
- Using short strokes, a circular motion or figure eight motion, brush very lightly over the entire outer surface of your body.
- Brush from the head, the tips of the fingers and the tips of the toes toward the heart.
- Be sure to include your palms and soles.
- Brush for 45 seconds to 2 minutes.
- Clean the brush every few days with soap and warm water.
If you have a testimony about your dry brushing experience, I’d love to hear it! Please share in the comments below.
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