I’m so thankful for modern day technology. Not only do I depend on my phone and computer to earn a living, but I also depend on it for research and continuing to educate myself. However, research also proves that regular exposure to these conveniences can be dangerous for our health.
I have also found that the science and information shared can be quite confusing. This is partially due to the large amount of funding bias and outright manipulation of research so that the published studies will show favorable results. In fact, the cell phone industry is ready to spend a lot of money to protect their interest!
So, to help me learn more, I went directly to the experts of DefenderShield! I had the privilege of meeting Daniel DeBaun, Co-Founder and CEO of DefenderShield, at a health conference a couple of years ago. I left our conversation so empowered because I was more educated on the dangers of EMF’s and now had tools to protect my family. We use DefenderShield’s protective phone cases, as well as, the laptop case to protect ourselves from radiation exposure, and I think you will find the easy-to-understand information that Daniel shares below to be incredibly informative! (Go here to purchase.)
The amount of time we spend on mobile electronic devices has increased exponentially since they were introduced into our society. No doubt this technology makes our lives easier. However, what are the risks, and what can we do to reduce our exposure?
Electromagnetic Fields, commonly referred to as EMFs, are a type of radiation produced by the devices and technology that we use and surround us a majority of the time. Take a moment to ponder this list of sources of EMF radiation:
- cell phones
- tablets
- laptops
- Bluetooth devices
- smart TVs
- fitness trackers
- video game systems
- cell towers
- indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi
The fact is, we’re collectively acting as guinea pigs in a long-term health experiment and an increasing number of people are reporting adverse physical symptoms when exposed to EMF radiation. “Minor” symptoms include headaches, fatigue, eye problems, dizziness, sleep issues, stress, skin issues, gastrointestinal complications, and muscle aches or pains.
In addition to minor symptoms reported, a growing number of scientific studies show that EMFs pose even more serious health risks including:
- increased free radicals
- cellular stress
- DNA strand breaks
- changes to the reproductive system
- learning/memory problems
- neurological disorders
- brain tumors
- cancer
Here’s a short timeline highlighting important scientific studies on the effects of EMFs that have been conducted in recent years.
- 2011 – the International Agency for Research On Cancer (IARC) classified RF (remember, this type of radiation is in the EMF spectrum) as a possible human carcinogen (a substance capable of causing cancer).
- 2016 – the National Toxicity Program (NTP) (a division of the US Federal Government) published the first results of its long-term RF study, reporting increased cases of malignant glial brain tumors and heart Schwannoma (tumors) in rats exposed to cell phones.
- 2018 – the Ramazzini Institute (RI) performed a life-span carcinogenic study that reproduced environmental exposure to RF (like from a cell tower), noting very similar findings.
It’s hard to imagine, but mobile devices and cell towers will become even more commonplace and harder to avoid, but what can we do about it?
Luckily, there are some simple precautions you can implement in daily life to reduce you and your family’s exposure to these potentially dangerous emissions:
First, reduce the time you spend near electronic devices. Radiation exposure has a cumulative effect, which can change cells subtly over time. Short exposure may not have the same level of change on your body as long-term exposure. Here are some examples of how to accomplish spending less time near your devices:
- Put your cell phone in airplane mode when you can (perhaps when you are sleeping).
- Turn on your computer/laptop on only when you are using it.
- Designate certain hours or days as “tech-free time” and spend time outside taking a family walk or playing a game in the yard or at a playground, if you have young kids.
Secondly, create more distance between your devices and your body. The farther you are away from a radiation source, the less exposure you receive. Even a small increase in space between you and your cell phone or tablet can make a tremendous difference. Create distance by:
- Using a tablet or laptop on a table or desk rather than on your lap (this goes for kids as well!)
- Talking on your cell phone using speakerphone or radiation-free headphones rather than putting the phone up to your head
- Sleeping with your cell phone at least 4 feet away from you (and on airplane mode if possible!)
EMF Shielding
Finally, use shielding to block EMF emissions from your devices. Radiation shields deflect, divert, and absorb the radiation coming from the source, in the direction of the shield. The amount or type of shielding needed to protect against different types of radiation depends on how much radiation the source emits.
All this discussion about the risks of EMF radiation exposure from modern mobile devices might be a little scary. However, realize that you can drastically improve your environment and reduce the potential negative effects of EMFs. Give yourself peace of mind by staying informed and up-to-date with the topic and taking steps to reduce exposure to yourself and your family.

Daniel T. DeBaun, DefenderShield Co-Founder & CEO
Daniel is an internationally recognized and influential expert in shielding electronic emissions and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) protection, with particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones. Daniel’s concern regarding the health impact of electronic radiation emissions grew from over 30 years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry where he held a variety of leadership and executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T and Bell Labs.
Through the course of his career, Daniel has created requirements for large telecommunication systems, led technical divisions responsible for establishing industry standards and formed analysis adherence testing for next-generation digital transmission systems. Daniel also oversaw laboratories which analyzed electromagnetic radiation (EMF) interference, electrical signals and digital formats. He and the teams he led were looked upon as industry authorities.
Daniel is the inventor of DefenderShield®, the most effective EMF radiation protection technology for mobile devices ever developed. In addition to his work with DefenderShield®, Daniel is a highly-regarded author, industry consultant, writer, and speaker as well as frequent guest national radio and television programs discussing EMF heath issues.
Daniel is co-author of recent bestseller, Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, the complete guide to EMF radiation safety and protection.
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